Cranes Archive

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Innovations in Engineering

ACC_2.2_logo.jpghave resulted in many upgrades to the Maintainer crane line recently. Maintainer truck-mounted cranes are a smart investment for your next service truck. Check out the models available below and discover why Maintainer is one of the leading truck crane manufacturers.

OSHA 1910.180/ANSI B30.5 compliant



Can't find the crane you are looking for?

You can find discontinued models at our Legacy Cranes page.



Crane Rating (ft*lb)Crane ReachMax Lift (lbs.)Boom Elevation
EH3516 Elec/Hyd - ST 15,000 16' 3,500 -13° + 78°
EH4520 Elec/Hyd - ST        20,000 20' 4,500 -13° + 78°
EH5520 Elec/Hyd - ST 30,000 20' 5,500 -13° + 78°
H3516 Hyd-ST 15,000 16' 3,500 -13° + 78°
H4520 Hyd - ST 20,000 20' 4,500 -13° + 78°
H5520 Hyd - ST 30,000 20' 5,500 -13° + 78°
H6520 Hyd - ST 38,000 20’ 6,500 -13° +78°
H7024 Hyd - ST 45,100 24’ 7,000 -13° +78°
H8524 Hyd - ST 52,500 24' 6" 8,500 -13° +78°
H8530 Hyd - ST 52,500 30' 8,500 -13° +78°
H10025 Hyd - ST 75,000 25’ 10,000 -13° +78°
H10030 Hyd - ST 60,000 30' 10,000 -13° +78°
H10034 Hyd - ST/TT 75,000 34’ 10,000 -13° +78°
 H12025 Hyd - TT 90,000 25' 12,000 -13° +78
 H14025 Hyd - TT 90,000 25' 14,000 -13° +78

*ST=Short Tower   TT=Tall Tower

Bolt-on EH Outrigger Packages

These outriggers are designed to support customers who are adding Maintainer's smaller electric-hydraulic (EH) and hydraulic cranes to their service trucks. They can be used with all of our EH/Hydraulic cranes: EH/H3516, EH/H4520, and EH/H5520. They are easily configured for curb-side or street-side cranes.

Three Models To Choose From:

  • Manual Crank Up/Down-Manual Out
    (model #024102)

  • Hydraulic Up/Down - Manual Out
    (model #024105)

  • Hydraulic Up/Down - Hydraulic Out
    (model #025112)

Bolt to chassis using supplied channels, or weld to flatbed/service body.

MORE Maintainer Crane Advantages...

  • Crane and outrigger valves are enclosed and protected under body
  • ACC_Logo.pngAdvanced Crane Control is standard on H6520 and larger cranes -
    and available as on option on all others
  • Hydraulic hoses are encased and protected
  • True independently proportional crane controller on hydraulic cranes
  • 615° of crane rotation on some models
  • Stainless steel fasteners, sheave pins, and extend cylinder pins
  • Initial crane inspection performed at the factory for turnkey performance - Your crane is ready for work when delivered!
  • Load charts, boom angle indicators, and boom length indicators are on both sides of the crane for maximum visibility
  • Quick release load block storage hook
  • Easy double to single part line conversion
  • No flip sheave
  • Main wear pads easily serviceable from outside
  • Our -13° elevation on hydraulic cranes allows for easier access to stow the load block


  • Load sensing, pressure compensated, true proportional, section crane valve
  • Redundant hydraulic overload protection (even when using manual handles)
  • Counterbalance valve machined into base of lift and extend cylinders for maximum protection
  • Warning horn, e-stop, air compressor, speed control and start/stop all on crane transmitter as standard
  • Self latching safety hook on load block
  • Safety decals and coloring per NCCCO recommendations & ANSI z535.4 requirements

Catch Basin Crane

Specialty crane available for municipalities with specific catch basin cleaning needs

>Learn More